Fuseclick now provides further analysis on the traffic data to optimize your traffic through Click log feature, It allows you to export click log files in CSV format. You can download the Click log files to get the details of each click for any affiliate, such as the click source country, city, device, etc..
  To download the Click log files, please go to “Report>Download Click Log”:
1. Select the affiliate, the offer, time zone and the time range
Time range: from the last 7 days to the 2 hours before
2. Click “Generate CSV”
 Each click log file can be downloaded 2 times within 24 hours
3. Click “Download CSV”
    The click log files contains data fields as following:

# Item Description
s netAdvertiserId Advertiser ID
2 netOfferId The Offer ID which the click happens, also named as Source Offer
3 netAffiliateId Affiliate ID
4 clickTime Click time,unix timestamp format
5 ip Click IP. when internet user had a click behavior, FuseClick  will identify and record this click ip. 
6 mac Mac address of the device when click happens
7 isBot Whether is bot traffic
1(0) - 1 week
2(0) - 2 weeks
4(0) - 1 month
8(0) - 3 months
0 - No
8 isProxy Whether is from a proxy:
9 proxy Proxy IP recorded when the click happens
10 country The country where the user clicks at your ad
11 state Click State, The state where the user clicks at your ad
12 city Click City, The city where the user clicks at your ad
13 agent Full string of User Agent header from click. Such as:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/54.0.2840.99 Safari/537.36
14 deviceType Device type from click: Desktop, Mobile, Tablet
15 deviceBrand Device brand from click, such as Apple, HUAWEI, Samsung, etc.
16 deviceModel Device model from click, such as iPhone 6s, HUAWEI P9, etc
17 deviceOs Device OS information from click, such as Android, iOS, Windows Phone, etc.
18 deviceBrowser The browser information from click, such as Safari, Chrome, etc.
19 deviceIsp Carrier information from click, such as China Telecom Hunan, Vodafone, etc.
20 deviceLanguage Device language, such as zh-CN
21 deviceOsVersion Device OS version, such as iOS 10.3.2, Android 7.1, etc
22 refer Click Referrer, Referrer header from click
23 subAffiliateId Sub Affiliate ID.
Affiliates may use this parameter in tracking links to distinguish which sub-affiliate is attributed to the click.
24 deviceId Device ID.
Affiliates may use this parameter in tracking links to record identification of use’s device, such as IDFA, Android ID, etc.
25 affiliateClickId Affiliate Click ID.
Affiliates may use this parameter in tracking links to record the click id of their own system.
26 trafficSource Traffic Source.
Affiliates may use this parameter in tracking links to distinguish the media source of the traffic, such as Facebook, App Store, etc.
27 subid1~subid5 Affiliate Sub ID 1~Affiliate Sub ID 5.Parameters that affiliates may use in tracking links to record information, such as user age, user gender, banner id, etc. 
28 targetOfferId The offer ID which user is redirected to by targeting rules. It means the final offer from the click. It may same as netOfferId if the traffic is allowed by the targeting rules
29 trackFlag FuseClick Tracking Flag, A flag to record the redirecting history. 
0: It is a normal click.
>0: It does not match the certain rule of offer.
30 type Click type. 
0:Traffic Click
1:Pending Click
2:Test Click
31 transactionId Transaction ID. The unique identifier of click in FuseClick, such as 000656A27766A1499653004243513
32 uniqueId Unique ID. The id generated by Unique Id rules, to limit the unique conversion.
33 currency Currency of the target offer.
Currency matching rules, please refer to:https://support.fuseclick.com/api/afn/dictionary/2016/0808/295.html
34 sourceCurrency Currency of the net offer which click happens.
Currency matching rules, please refer to:https://support.fuseclick.com/api/afn/dictionary/2016/0808/295.html
35 targetAdvertiserId Advertiser ID of target offer
36 redirect The address which user was redirected to
37 callback Callback from click