1.Affiliate Get Fuseclick Offer
Getting started
To get started, make sure that you have requested and been approved for an API Key. Or ask your Account Manager to create it for you.
To make a request to the API, simply provide your key as well as the Affiliate ID in which your account is registered.
Request URL

GET  /api/v2/getOffers?key=yourapikey&a=youraffiliateid&page=1&limit=500
在Tools->Manage API Key->API Link copy给出来指定给渠道的link

Request Parameters

Parameters Required Type Description
a Yes Integer Your ID
key Yes String Your key
page No Integer Page Integer of data
limit No Integer Integer of items on one page: 500(Default)/1000/5000/10000
type No String Type of offer: Mobile/Tablet/Desktop
offer_ids No String A list of offer ids: 3,123,445
offer_name No String Key words of offer name.
country No String A list of countries of the offers: CN,US,CA,BD. Please refer to offer geo country list.
top_cr No Integer Top N Offers in highest Conversion Rate. Max. V: 1000. API system returns N offers in an order by highest CR.
Notice: top_cr will overwrite ‘page’ and ‘limit’
Field Type Description
httpStatus Integer 200: success
errorCode Integer errorCode
errorMessage String Request error result description
message String Request result description
data Object offers content and page info
Data Object
Field Type Description
content Array Offer items
page Integer Current page
totalPages Integer Maximum page
totalItems Integer Total offers counts
Offer item fields
Field Type Description
id Integer Offer id
name String Offer name
app_id String Bundle id in appstore or package name in google play
create_date String Create date
expire_date String Expire date
status String The status of the offer(eg:Active)
tracking_link String Tracking link
type String Mobile
preview_url String Preview link
currency String United States, Dollars
payout_type String Pricing mode: cpc, cpi, cpa
logo String logo
screenshot String screenshot
description String Offer description
restriction String restriction
schedule String schedule
hide_referrer String hide_referrer
geo_type String eg:Exclude
geo_countries String Allowed countries
categories Array categories
allow_traffics Array allow_traffics
geo_states Array  
device_rules Array "1:OS:"
has_cap_limit String Yes/No
cap_type String conversion
cap_event_range String initial
cap_affiliate_overall_limit String Not Set
cap_affiliate_interval String Daily
cap_affiliate_interval_limit String 3
has_click_cap_limit String Yes/No
click_cap_affiliate_overall_limit String Not Set
click_cap_affiliate_interval String Daily
click_cap_affiliate_interval_limit String 3
payout String 1.10000
payout_percent String 20
impression_url String Impression url
events Array events
session_lifespan String 1 Month
blockedSubAff Array blockedSubAff
offerTimezone Integer 8
Response sample
    "httpStatus": 200,
    "errorCode": 0,
    "errorMessage": "",
    "message": "",
    "data": {
        "content": [
                "id": "3725188",
                "name": "from_bignetwork_offer_4",
                "app_id": "",
                "create_date": "2018/07/23",
                "expire_date": "2019/07/23",
                "status": "Active",
                "tracking_link": "http://hugenetwork.iferox-tracking2.com/tl?a=2762&o=3725188",
                "type": "Mobile",
                "preview_url": "http://www.testest.com",
                "currency": "Japan, Yen",
                "payout_type": "CPA",
                "logo": "",
                "screenshot": "",
                "description": "",
                "restriction": "",
                "hide_referrer": "No",
                "geo_type": "Include",
                "geo_countries": "",
                "categories": [],
                "allow_traffics": [
                        "traffic_id": "1",
                        "traffic_name": "Banner/Display"
                        "traffic_id": "2",
                        "traffic_name": "Email"
                        "traffic_id": "3",
                        "traffic_name": "Search PPC"
                        "traffic_id": "4",
                        "traffic_name": "Social Media"
                        "traffic_id": "5",
                        "traffic_name": "Social Ads"
                        "traffic_id": "6",
                        "traffic_name": "PPC"
                        "traffic_id": "7",
                        "traffic_name": "PPV/CPV"
                        "traffic_id": "8",
                        "traffic_name": "Classified Ads"
                        "traffic_id": "9",
                        "traffic_name": "Contextual"
                        "traffic_id": "10",
                        "traffic_name": "Co-Registration"
                        "traffic_id": "11",
                        "traffic_name": "Adult Traffic"
                        "traffic_id": "12",
                        "traffic_name": "SEO"
                        "traffic_id": "13",
                        "traffic_name": "Mobile"
                        "traffic_id": "14",
                        "traffic_name": "Incent"
                "geo_states": [],
                "device_rules": [],
                "has_cap_limit": "No",
                "cap_type": "budget",
                "cap_event_range": "all",
                "cap_affiliate_overall_limit": "Not Set",
                "cap_affiliate_interval": "Not Set",
                "cap_affiliate_interval_limit": "Not Set",
                "payout": "2.00000",
                "payout_percent": "-1.0",
                "events": [
                        "e_id": "1",
                        "event_name": "InitialEvent",
                        "e_tkn": "",
                        "description": "",
                        "payout_type": "CPA",
                        "payout": "2.00000",
                        "conversion_point": ""
        "page": 1,
        "totalPages": 1,
        "totalItems": 1
2.Get Fuseclick Tracking Link
Affiliate can get offer by API(as above), also can get offer in the Campaign list.
Campaigns->Manage Campaigns

Fuseclick Tracking Link Parameters

Tracking Parameters Type Requirement Description
a Integer Yes offer id
o Integer Yes Affiliate id
aff_click_id String No Click id. Unique click identifier from affiliate system.
sub_affid String No Sub publisher id.
device_id String No Device ID
sc String No Traffic Source
idfa String No Device IDFA
gaid String No Device GAID
imei String No Device IMEI
android_id String No Device ANDROID_ID
mac String No Device MAC
oaid String No Device OAID
s1 String No Affiliate Subid 1
s2 String No Affiliate Subid 2
s3 String No Affiliate Subid 3
s4 String No Affiliate Subid 4
s5 String No Affiliate Subid 5
bundle String No Bundle Name
redirect_url String No redirect deeplink or you set the link, eg http://fuseclicktest4.fuse-ad.com/tl?a=1853&o=122043&redirect_url=https://google.com
redirect_path String No redirect deeplink path or you set the link, eg /category/skirts.
PS:https://fuseclicktest4.fuse-ad.com/tl?a=1856&o=122081&aff_click_id=your affiliate click id
3.Set Affiliate Postback in Fuseclick
Affiliate Postback Parameters

Postback Type Requirement Description
{TID} String No Transaction ID of the click
{OID} String No Offer ID
{E_ID} String No Event ID
{E_TOKEN} String No Event Token
{AFFID} String No Affiliate ID
{SUB_AFFID} String No Sub Affiliate ID
{AFF_CLICK_ID} String No Affiliate Click ID
{DEVICE_ID} String No Device ID
{CARRIER} String No Carrier
{IP} String No IP address
{COUNTRY} String No Click Country
{CITY} String No Click City
{SOURCE} String No Affiliate traffic source
{PAYOUT} Integer No The Commission affiliate received for the lead/sale
{S1} String No Sub ID 1
{S2} String No Sub ID 2
{S3} String No Sub ID 3
{S4} String No Sub ID 4
{S5} String No Sub ID 5
{CURRENCY} String No Offer Currency
{DEVICE_TYPE} String No Device Type from User Agent(example: mobile)
{DEVICE_BRAND} String No Device Brand from User Agent(example: Apple)
{DEVICE_MODEL} String No Device Model from User Agent(example: iPhone)
{DEVICE_OS} String No Device OS from User Agent(example: Mac OS X)
{CONV_TIME} String No Time Stamp of Conversion Time(example:1509706165)
{UA} String No User agent with HTML url escape
{ADV_SID} String No Advertiser Sub ID.
{ADV_SID2} String No Advertiser Sub ID 2.
{ADV_SID3} String No Advertiser Sub ID 3.
{ADV_SID4} String No Advertiser Sub ID 4.
{ADV_SID5} String No Advertiser Sub ID 5.
{FRAUD} String No Advertiser send fraud Conversion
{FRAUDREASON} String No Advertiser reject the Conversion's Reason
{SUBFRAUDREASON} String No Advertiser reject the Conversion's sub Reason
{FRAUDREASONVALUE} String No Adveritser reject the Conversions's Reason Value.
Ps:affiliate postback id
Affiliates->Manage Affiliates->3rd-Party Postback URLs/Pixels/Add Global Postback URl

4.Test Affiliate Preview Landing Page