How to Generate Campaigns in Group
Usually, assigning single Offer to single Affiliate makes the campaign generating process a time-consuming task. To help with making this process more user-friendly, FuseClick just released the new feature of Group-Campaign Generation. Campaign Generation means granting the Affiliates access to some Offer(s).
Go into “Offers > Manage Offers”to choose the offers with specific status to narrow down the selected list. Then the “Generate Campaigns”button would be activated so you could choose specific offer list.
Fig.1 Manage Offers
By clicking this button, a new window would appear so you could operate the selected offers by group, the left column presents the Affiliate List, which could be filtered by Specific Affiliante name/ID, Affiliate Manager, Countries, or Tiers.
When you “Add”the Affiliate(s) from the left column to the right column, the access to the selected offers are granted to them.
1. This feature will not reflect or shut down the ongoing campaigns of the selected offer list.
2. After group campaign generation, if there is some campaign you want to block,please find the clickable offer name to go into the Offer Detail page so you could operate inside Affiliate Access tag.

Fig.2 Generate Campaigns
Go into “Offers > Manage Offers”to choose the offers with specific status to narrow down the selected list. Then the “Generate Campaigns”button would be activated so you could choose specific offer list.

Fig.1 Manage Offers
When you “Add”the Affiliate(s) from the left column to the right column, the access to the selected offers are granted to them.
1. This feature will not reflect or shut down the ongoing campaigns of the selected offer list.
2. After group campaign generation, if there is some campaign you want to block,please find the clickable offer name to go into the Offer Detail page so you could operate inside Affiliate Access tag.

Fig.2 Generate Campaigns
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