Set up SKAdNetwork with 3rd party Platform
1. Third-party - SKAdNetwork
How to set up SKAdNetwork offers with third-party attribution platform :Please set up your Advertiser with SKAdNetwork before you set up 3rd-party SKAdNetwork. See referrance <FuseClick-SKAdNetworks: How to set up your SKAdNetworks >
1) Create third-party Postback
- Advertiser ->3rd Party Postback to create third-party postback, FuseClick is supporting the postback with AppsFlyer、Branch、Adjust、Kochava;

(Figure1:The entrance to set up 3rd-party postback)
- Click“ADD”3rd Party Postback:

(Figure2: The URL is provide by AppsFlyer/Branch/Adjust/Kochava)
- Name:Choose the 3rd-party (AppsFlyer、Branch、Adjust、Kochava)
- Request Type:Choose Request Type(default is post)
URL:put 3rd-party Postback,(below are the reference)
- AppsFlyer:
- Branch:
- Adjust:<sk_network_token>
- Kochava:{yoursubdomain}
2) Edit offer detail
Offer -> Conversion Tracking Protocol -> SKAdNetwork.
After set up your SKAD-3rd Party Postback, you could choose in offer detail.
(Figure3: set up SKAdNetwork offer tracking protocol and SKAD 3rd party postback)
After set up SKAD-3rd Party Postback, click Postback URL to check/get default postback URL and new added third-party postback URL.
(Figure4: click on postback url/conversion pixel to get postback)
3) Check 3rd Party Postback Report
- Offer Name
- Affiliate Name
- Transaction ID :the received SKAdNetwork transaction ID
- Payout
- Revenue
- Conversion IP
- Conversion Time
- Conversion Message:Main message of this conversion, including status, transaction ID, send to third-party, etc.
- Conversion Status
- Postback parameters: Comprehensive SKAdNetwork message

(Figure5: report example)
2. Reference
1) AppsFlyer
- AppsFlyer integration doc(click to download)
- AppsFlyer SKAD postback
Fuse->AppsFlyer (Default):
AppsFlyer->fuse postback example (the blued part should be replaced with FC user’s default tracking domain):

(Figure6: You could check your default tracking domain here)
Fuse | AppsFlyer | |
Parameter | Parameter | Description |
sk_version | version | SKAdNetwork version example: "version":"2.0" |
sk_ad_network_id | ad-network-id | Ad-network-id example : "ad-network-id":" abc123defg.skadnetwork" |
sk_campaign_id | campaign-id | SKAdNetwork campaign id example: "campaign-id":23 |
sk_transaction_id | transaction-id | SKAdNetwork transaction ID |
app_id | app-id | App ID |
sk_attribution_signature | attribution-signature | Attribution signature |
sk_redownload | redownload | If redownload = true, represents that users download App from store again. |
sk_source_app_id | source-app-id | 流量源 App ID (开发者) |
sk_conversion_value | conversion-value | AppsFlyer SDK conversion value according to advertiser’s setting |
tid | ad-network-campaign-id | Must-have to maintain the consistence with advertiser&AppsFlyer |
ip | ip | User IP send by Apple to SKAdNetwork platform, now support iPv4&iPv6 address, example: "ip":"" |
timestamp | timestamp | Timestamp,example:August 4, 2020, 07:25 UTC translates to "timestamp": "1596525944" |
2) Branch
- Branch integration doc
- SKAD postback
Fuse->Branch :
Branch->fuse(the blued part should be replaced with FC user’s default tracking domain ):
Branch->fuse(the blued part should be replaced with FC user’s default tracking domain ):
Fuse | Branch | |
Parameter | Parameter | Description |
sk_version | version | The SKAdNetwork API version. |
sk_ad_network_id | ad-network-id | Your SKAdNetwork Identifier. |
sk_campaign_id | Campaign-ID | SKAdNetwork Campaign ID. |
sk_transaction_id | transaction-id | Unique ID for deduplication. |
app_id | app-id | The Advertiser app ID in iTunes. |
sk_attribution_signature | attribution-signature | SKAdNetwork signature as specified by Apple. Used for postback validation. |
sk_redownload | redownload | A flag that indicates if the customer reinstalled the app. |
sk_source_app_id | source-app-id | The Publisher app ID in Itunes. |
sk_fidelity_type | fidelity-type | Differentiates StoreKit-rendered ads from view-through ads. 1 indicates StoreKit-rendered ads and is supported on iOS 11.3 and later, 0 indicates view-through ads and is supported on iOS 14.5 and later. View-through ads are supported with SKAdNetwork version 2.2 and later. |
sk_conversion_value | conversion-value | Unsigned 6-bit value that the installed app provided. The conversion-value appears only if the installed app provides it, and if providing the parameter meets Apple’s privacy threshold. A value between 0-63. |
ip | ip-address | IP address of device the postback is received from |
ua | user-agent | UA of device the postback is received from |
3) Kochava
- Kochava Integration Doc
- SKAD postback
Fuse-> Kochava: {yoursubdomain}
Kochava ->fuse(the blued part should be replaced with FC user’s default tracking domain ):
Kochava ->fuse(the blued part should be replaced with FC user’s default tracking domain ):
Fuse | Kochava | |
Parameter | Parameter | Description |
sk_version | version | The SKAdNetwork API version. |
sk_ad_network_id | ad-network-id | Your SKAdNetwork Identifier. |
sk_campaign_id | Campaign-ID | SKAdNetwork Campaign ID. |
sk_transaction_id | transaction-id | Unique ID for deduplication. |
app_id | app-id | The Advertiser app ID in iTunes. |
sk_attribution_signature | attribution-signature | SKAdNetwork signature as specified by Apple. Used for postback validation. |
sk_redownload | redownload | A flag that indicates if the customer reinstalled the app. |
sk_source_app_id | source-app-id | The Publisher app ID in Itunes. |
sk_fidelity_type | fidelity-type | Differentiates StoreKit-rendered ads from view-through ads. 1 indicates StoreKit-rendered ads and is supported on iOS 11.3 and later, 0 indicates view-through ads and is supported on iOS 14.5 and later. View-through ads are supported with SKAdNetwork version 2.2 and later. |
sk_conversion_value | conversion-value | Unsigned 6-bit value that the installed app provided. The conversion-value appears only if the installed app provides it, and if providing the parameter meets Apple’s privacy threshold. A value between 0-63. |
ip | skad_ip | The header ip of the device where the attribution postback was generated from. |
timestamp | skad_ts | When the media partner received the postback from the device, in unix timestamp format. |
country | country |
4) Adjust
- Adjust integration doc (Please check with Adjust Support)
- SKAD postback
Fuse-> Adjust(Usually just give this to your 3rd-party):<sk_network_token>
Adjust->fuse(the blued part should be replaced with FC user’s default tracking domain, if your 3rd-party call your pb directly, please put this pb):
Adjust->fuse(the blued part should be replaced with FC user’s default tracking domain, if your 3rd-party call your pb directly, please put this pb):
Fuse | Adjust | |
Parameter | Parameter | Description |
timestamp | {sk_ts} | Timestamp |
sk_payload | {sk_payload} | The SKA payload received from Apple |
sk_version | {sk_version} | The SKAdNetwork API version. |
sk_ad_network_id | {sk_network_id} | Network id |
sk_campaign_id | {sk_campaign_id} | Campaign ID |
sk_transaction_id | {sk_transaction_id} | Transaction ID |
app_id | {sk_app_id} | App ID |
sk_attribution_signature | {sk_attribution_signature} | Apple attribution signature |
sk_redownload | {sk_redownload} | Represent if user download App agian |
sk_fidelity_type | {sk_fidelity_type} | Differentiates StoreKit-rendered ads from view-through ads. 1 indicates StoreKit-rendered ads and is supported on iOS 11.3 and later, 0 indicates view-through ads and is supported on iOS 14.5 and later. View-through ads are |
sk_source_app_id | {sk_source_app_id} | The Publisher app ID in Itunes. |
sk_conversion_value | {sk_conversion_value} | Unsigned 6-bit value that the installed app provided. The conversion-value appears only if the installed app provides it, and if providing the parameter meets Apple’s privacy threshold. A value between 0-63. |
adjust_tracker | {tracker} | 6-character Adjust tracking code |
ip | {ip_address} | ip_address |
UA | {user_agent} | user_agent |
country | {country} | country |
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