Email Settings
1. SMTP Settings
SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. SMTP server is to follow the SMTP protocol, it is used to send or transfer letter to the mail server. Go to “Setup>Setting>Email Setting” and set SMTP as below:

(Figure 1: SMTP Settings)
(1)When you purchased SMTP service, you can get below information from email service. Fill in the SMTP page and save.
A. SMTP Domain or IP Address;
B. Port;
C. SMTP Type: SMTP access mode;
D. SMTP User Name: SMTP access account;
E. SMTP User Password: SMTP access password;
(2)Below situations will work normally depending on SMTP settings in FuseClick System:
A. “Send email” tool.
B. The events which triggers automatic email Notifications.
2. Set Sender Information
In 2003, US government sponsored anti-spam bill “CAN-SPAM Act of 2003”. According to this anti-spam bill, please pay more attention on below things:
(1)”From” Email Name: Enter sender name which displays in the email which received by receiver. Suggestion: using Real Name.
(2)”From” Email Address: Enter sender email address which displays in the email which received by receiver.
(3) Email Footer Address:When receiver gets email, your location information will be displayed at the bottom of body. Such as: 602 Rockwood Road, Wilmington DE 19802.
3. Email Template
FuseClick System supplies two main kinds of defined email templates (altogether 5 parts). Go to “Setup > Email Template” and check:
(1)Affiliate Templates:
A. Affiliate Pending: When affiliate account is in pending statue, it will receive this email template.
B. Affiliate Approved: When affiliate account changed to active from other statue, it will receive this email template.
C. Affiliate Rejected: When affiliate sign up an account, but it is rejected by account manager, it will receive this email template.
D. Affiliate Created: Account manager creates new affiliate and set its account statue as active directly, it will receive this email template.
A. Forgot Password:When the users which saved in Network forget their passwords and try to use “Forget password” to obtain new passwords, they will receive this email template.
SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. SMTP server is to follow the SMTP protocol, it is used to send or transfer letter to the mail server. Go to “Setup>Setting>Email Setting” and set SMTP as below:

(Figure 1: SMTP Settings)
(1)When you purchased SMTP service, you can get below information from email service. Fill in the SMTP page and save.
A. SMTP Domain or IP Address;
B. Port;
C. SMTP Type: SMTP access mode;
D. SMTP User Name: SMTP access account;
E. SMTP User Password: SMTP access password;
(2)Below situations will work normally depending on SMTP settings in FuseClick System:
A. “Send email” tool.
B. The events which triggers automatic email Notifications.
2. Set Sender Information
In 2003, US government sponsored anti-spam bill “CAN-SPAM Act of 2003”. According to this anti-spam bill, please pay more attention on below things:

Source URL:
Base on above requirements, FuseClick System supplies the following information for settings in “Setup>Setting>Email Setting” page, in order to meet the requirement of sending email (includes the behaviors of triggering “send email” automatically) from Network.(1)”From” Email Name: Enter sender name which displays in the email which received by receiver. Suggestion: using Real Name.
(2)”From” Email Address: Enter sender email address which displays in the email which received by receiver.
(3) Email Footer Address:When receiver gets email, your location information will be displayed at the bottom of body. Such as: 602 Rockwood Road, Wilmington DE 19802.
3. Email Template
FuseClick System supplies two main kinds of defined email templates (altogether 5 parts). Go to “Setup > Email Template” and check:
(1)Affiliate Templates:
A. Affiliate Pending: When affiliate account is in pending statue, it will receive this email template.
B. Affiliate Approved: When affiliate account changed to active from other statue, it will receive this email template.
C. Affiliate Rejected: When affiliate sign up an account, but it is rejected by account manager, it will receive this email template.
D. Affiliate Created: Account manager creates new affiliate and set its account statue as active directly, it will receive this email template.
A. Forgot Password:When the users which saved in Network forget their passwords and try to use “Forget password” to obtain new passwords, they will receive this email template.
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