
To begin integration, generate the attribution link URL on Branch, place it in the Offer on Fuseclick, and place Fuseclick’s postback URL on Branch. The URLs are needed for reporting purposes. This article explains how to build these URLs.

Partnet Registration

Already integrated with Branch? Send the email consisting of the postback URLs to support@branch.io.
Not yet integrated with Branch? Complete the Ad partners registration application.
You can find the content to email on your platform. Go to Auto > Auto MMP Integation> Branch.
You will find there the following:
Global Install Postback
Global Event Postback
Fuse click  Macro List

Attribution Link URL

The first step is to create the attribution URL on Branch. This URL has parameters of Branch and macros of Fuseclick. This section provides the information about the base attribution link and related parameter descriptions.
Branch base URL Definition Description
https://branchster.app.link/3YL9g523sds Base URL Branch endpoint
3YL9g523sds Application ID Dynamic value that differs for each app
~click_id Click Id Parameter for click id
%243p Media source name integrated network name

Tracking link parameters

Branch parameter Fuseclick macro Description
&~click_id= {TID} Request the ID for each user session
&~secondary_publisher= {AFFID}_{SUB_AFFID} ID of the Publisher promoting an offer
ID of the Sub publisher promoting the offer
&%24aaid= {GAID} Android ID
&%24idfa= {IDFA} Ios ID

Postback URLs for Install and In-app events

You can go to the Automation section, click on Integrations, and navigate to mobile app tracking. You will be redirected to the mobile app tracking page. Navigate to Branch and click on Setup Instructions.
You will be able to find your global install and global event postback, which you can further share with the branch.
Example Install Postback: http://ljy.fusetracking.com/pb?tid={TID}&adv_sectkn=oC5jZC6j
Example Event Postback: http://ljy.fusetracking.com/pb?tid={TID}&adv_sectkn=oC5jZC6j&e_tkn={E_TOKEN}

Postback Parameters

Name Note
tid Fuseclick transaction id
e_tkn event token
adv_sid Advertiser Sub ID.
adv_sid2 Advertiser Sub ID 2.
adv_sid3 Advertiser Sub ID 3.
adv_sid4 Advertiser Sub ID 4.
adv_sid5 Advertiser Sub ID 5.
adv_cvalue Customer Value, the CPS measurement parameter. When Revenue Type saved in RPS/RPA+RPS , or Payout Type saved in CPS/CPA+CPS setting for an offer, Please set this parameter in Conversion Pixel or Postback URL.
fraud Advertiser send fraud Conversion.
fraudreason Advertiser reject the Conversion's Reason.
subfraudreason Advertiser reject the Conversion's sub Reason.
fraudreasonvalue Advertiser reject the Conversion's Value.
adv_sectkn The Parameter for advertisers to check the convresion authernticity. The string will be appeared if you open the advertiser->tracking->Security Token; or Open Setup->Settings->Advertiser Panel Settings->Open Global Secutiy Token.

Confirmation from Branch
Wait for 24-72 hours for the response from the branch team; once the integration is complete,
they will update you via registered email. Once you are done, you can create a test campaign with the Branch App,
test the tracking link, and add goals as per the Partner Event Identifier.