FuseClick supplies  9 parameter names. If Affiliate wants to pass his click value, he should add it in the tracking link using lowercase letters. Once click happened, the specific click value will be passed from Affiliate System to FuseClick. Parameter names supplied by FuseClick:
1. aff_click_id: Defined parameter to pass the click unique identification. System supports up to 500 characters.
2. sub_affid: Defined parameter to pass the sub affiliate id. System supports up to 100 characters.
3. device_id: Defined parameter to pass the Device unique identification. System supports up to 100 characters.
4. sc: A special customized parameter. System supports up to 2000 characters.
5. s1: Customized parameter. System supports up to 800 characters.
6. s2: Customized parameter. System supports up to 100 characters.
7. s3: Customized parameter. System supports up to 100 characters.
8. s4: Customized parameter.System supports up to100 characters.
9. s5: Customized parameter. System supports up to 100 characters.