1.1 API Method List
No. | Category | Method | Description |
1 |
Affiliate Offer API |
getAllOffers | Get All Offers that Affiliate can Access |
2 | getOfferById | Get Offer Details by Offer ID | |
3 |
Affiliate Campaign API |
generateLink | Generate Link By Affiliate ID and Offer ID |
4 | getLink | Get Link by Affiliate ID and Offer ID | |
5 | setBackupOffer | Set affiliate back up offer for the the specified offer | |
6 | setGeoRedirectOffer | Set affiliate GEO redirect offer for the specified offer | |
7 | getGlobalPostBacks | Get global post back URLs of a affiliate | |
8 | addGlobalPostBack | Add global post back URL for a affiliate | |
9 | delGlobalPostBack | Delete post back URL of a affiliate | |
10 |
Affiliate Report API |
getOfferReport | Generate Link By Affiliate ID and Offer ID |
11 | getConversionReport | Get Link by Affiliate ID and Offer ID |
1.2 API Process Flow
1) Verify Key;
2) Verify Affiliate;
3) Verify the IP address;
4) Verify Access Frequency;
5) Verify Method;
6) Filtering Parameters;
7) Perform Action;
8) Generate Response and Return.
1.3 Response
1.3.1 Response Status
Category | Status Code | Description |
Success |
200 | OK |
201 | Created | |
202 | Accepted | |
Client Error |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized | |
403 | Forbidden | |
404 | Not Found | |
405 | Method not Allowed | |
409 | Conflict | |
429 | Too Many Requests | |
Server Error |
500 | Internal Server Error |
502 | Bad Gateway | |
503 | Service Unavailable | |
504 | Gateway Timeout |
1.3.2 General Validation
Object | Description | Response HTTP Status Code |
Key |
No API Key Invalid API Key |
400 |
Key | Invalid API Key Status | 403 |
IP | IP Not Match | 403 |
Network | Invalid Network Status | 403 |
API Method |
No API Method API Method Not Exist |
400 |
Request Method | Request Method Not Allowed | 405 |
Access Frequency | Too Many API Request | 429 |
1.3.3 Response Contents
Fuseclick encode API response contents in JSON format.Data Field | Description |
httpStatus | Same as Response HTTP Status |
data | Data, Object or Array |
errorCode | Exception Details Code |
message | Exception Message |
Close All
User - Network
User - Affiliate
User - Advertiser