Reference - Error Codes
Error Code | Description |
6000 | No Such API, API is not found |
6001 | No Network ID |
6002 | Invalid Network ID |
6003 | Invalid Network Status |
6005 | Internal Error |
6006 | Another request has been processing, please try again later |
6011 | No API Key |
6012 | Invalid API Key |
6013 | Invalid API Key Status |
6014 | Invalid Client |
6015 | The method has been deprecated |
6021 | No Affiliate Parameter |
6022 | Invalid Key or Affiliate |
6023 | Invalid Affiliate |
6024 | Invalid Affiliate Status |
6031 | No API Method |
6032 | Invalid API Method |
6033 | Invalid Request Method, Should Be GET |
6034 | Invalid Request Method, Should Be POST |
6041 | Frequent Limitation |
6051 | No Advertiser Parameter |
6052 | Invalid Key or Advertiser |
6053 | Invalid Advertiser |
6054 | Invalid Advertiser Status |
6055 | Invalid json data |
6100 | Failed to Save Advertiser |
6101 | No Advertiser ID |
6102 | Invalid Advertiser ID |
6103 | Invalid Value of Advertiser Status |
6104 | Invalid Advertiser Manager Status |
6105 | No Such Advertiser, Advertiser is not found |
6106 | Not Set Advertiser Manager, Advertiser Manager is not Found |
6107 | No Advertiser Manager ID |
6108 | Invalid Advertiser Manager ID |
6109 | Advertiser Manager doesn’t Exists |
6111 | No Email Parameter |
6112 | Invalid Email |
6113 | Duplicate Email |
6114 | No Status Parameter |
6115 | No Advertiser First Name |
6116 | Invalid Advertiser First Name |
6117 | Invalid Advertiser Manager ID |
6118 | No Advertiser Company Parameter |
6119 | Invalid Advertiser Password |
6120 | Invalid Advertiser IM Type |
6121 | Invalid Advertiser Country |
6122 | Invalid Advertiser State |
6200 | Failed to Save Affiliate |
6201 | No Affiliate ID |
6202 | Invalid Affiliate ID |
6203 | Invalid Affiliate Status |
6204 | No Such Affiliate, Affiliate is not found |
6205 | No Email Parameter |
6206 | Invalid Affiliate Email |
6207 | Duplicate Email |
6208 | No Status Parameter |
6210 | No First Name Parameter |
6211 | Invalid First Name |
6212 | Invalid Affiliate Manager |
6213 | No Such Affiliate Manager, Affiliate Manager is not found |
6214 | Invalid Affiliate Manager |
6215 | Invalid Payout Tier ID |
6216 | No Such Payout Tier, Payout tier is not found |
6217 | Invalid Billing Period |
6218 | Invalid Affiliate Password |
6219 | Invalid Value of Affiliate Manager Status |
6220 | Invalid Payment Method |
6221 | Invalid Check Payment Type |
6222 | Invalid Affiliate IM Type |
6223 | Invalid Affiliate Country |
6224 | Invalid Affiliate State |
6225 | No Post Back URL |
6226 | Invalid Post Back URL |
6227 | Duplicated Post Back URL |
6228 | Limitation of Max Number of Post Back URLs |
6229 | The Post Back URL doesn’t Exists |
6230 | More than Max Number Post Back URLs of the offer. |
6231 | More than 20 Post Back URLs of the offer. |
6232 | At most 1 Image Pixel Postback Url. |
6233 | No the parameter of postback url type. |
6234 | Invalid postback url type |
6235 | No post_back_id parameter. |
6236 | Invalid post_back_id parameter. |
6237 | The affiliate can\'t access the offer. |
6300 | Failed to Save Offer Data |
6301 | No Offer ID |
6302 | Invalid Offer ID |
6303 | Invalid Offer Status |
6304 | Offer does not Exist |
6305 | No Advertiser ID |
6306 | Invalid Advertiser ID |
6307 | Advertiser does not Exist |
6308 | No Offer Name |
6309 | Empty Offer Name |
6310 | No Offer Status |
6311 | No Offer Expire Date |
6312 | Invalid Expire Date |
6313 | No TID Token in Offer URL |
6314 | Invalid Offer Type |
6315 | Invalid Conversion Point |
6316 | Invalid Preview URL |
6317 | Invalid URL |
6318 | Invalid Access Type |
6319 | Invalid SSL |
6320 | Invalid Tracking Protocol |
6321 | Invalid Settings for need_security_token |
6322 | Invalid Settings for force_unique |
6323 | Invalid Session Lifespan |
6324 | Invalid Offer Currency |
6325 | Invalid Price Model |
6326 | Invalid Settings for Revenue |
6327 | Invalid Settings for Payout |
6328 | Invalid Settings for prevenue_percent |
6329 | Invalid Settings for payout_percent |
6330 | Invalid Secondary Offer |
6331 | No Tier Payout Enable/Disable Parameter |
6332 | Invalid Tier Payout Enable/Disable Value(Should be 1 or 0) |
6333 | No Tier Payout Setting Parameter |
6334 | Invalid Tier ID {tierId} |
6335 | No CAP limitation |
6336 | Invalid CAP Limitation |
6337 | No CAP Method |
6338 | Invalid CAP Method |
6339 | No Overall CAP |
6340 | Invalid Overall CAP |
6341 | No CAP Interval |
6342 | Invalid CAP Interval |
6343 | No Interval CAP |
6344 | Invalid Interval CAP |
6345 | No Affiliate CAP |
6346 | Invalid Affiliate CAP |
6347 | No Affiliate CAP Interval |
6348 | Invalid Affiliate CAP Interval |
6349 | No affiliate interval CAP value |
6350 | Invalid affiliate interval CAP value |
6351 | No GEO targeting enable parameter |
6352 | Invalid GEO targeting enable parameter |
6353 | No GEO Type |
6354 | Invalid GEO Type |
6355 | No GEO Country |
6356 | Invalid GEO Country |
6357 | Invalid GEO Country: {country} |
6358 | Invalid GEO State Rule |
6359 | Invalid GEO State: {state} of Country {country} |
6360 | No Enforce Parameter |
6361 | Invalid Enforce Parameter |
6362 | No Redirect Type Parameter |
6363 | Invalid Redirect Type Parameter |
6364 | No Redirect Target Parameter |
6365 | Invalid Redirect Target Parameter |
6366 | GEO redirect offer does not exist |
6367 | GEO redirect group does not exist |
6368 | Invalid payout type |
6369 | Invalid revenue type |
6371 | No device targeting enable parameter |
6372 | Invalid device targeting enable parameter |
6373 | No device targeting rule |
6374 | Invalid device targeting rule |
6375 | Invalid device targeting method |
6376 | Invalid device targeting parameter |
6377 | No device targeting value |
6378 | Invalid device targeting value |
6379 | No device redirect offer |
6380 | Invalid device redirect offer |
6381 | Device redirect offer not exist |
6382 | Payout and Payout Percent at least one |
6383 | Revenue and Revenue Percent at least one |
6384 | Invalid cap range. It should be 0 or 1. |
6385 | The offer has no initial event. |
6386 | No Offer Category ID |
6387 | Invalid Offer Category ID |
6388 | Error When Adding Category Offers |
6389 | Error When Deleting Category Offers |
6390 | Invalid format of the affiliate id string |
6391 | Offer ID no more than max number |
6392 | Invalid Settings for hide_referer |
6393 | No image file |
6394 | The offer has too many banners |
6395 | Invalid Files |
6396 | Invalid format of logo image |
6397 | Invalid Image Size |
6398 | Invalid Date Format |
6399 | Overall limitation should be more than others, offer interval limitation should be more than affiliate's |
63990 | Invalid description |
63991 | Invalid restriction |
63992 | Invalid categories |
63993 | Invalid app id |
6400 | Fail to Generate Link |
6401 | No Affiliate ID |
6402 | Invalid Affiliate ID |
6403 | Affiliate does not Exist |
6404 | Invalid Affiliate Status |
6411 | No Offer ID |
6412 | Invalid Offer ID |
6413 | Offer does not Exist |
6414 | Invalid Offer Status |
6421 | Invalid offer access type to the affiliate |
6422 | No Such Campaign |
6431 | Invalid Event Private |
6432 | Invalid Revenue |
6441 | Invalid Page |
6442 | Invalid Limit |
6443 | Invalid OrderBy |
6480 | The time span of from and to must be less than 60 seconds. |
6481 | The to param must 5 seconds less than the current time |
6482 | Too many parameters of conversion_ids |
6483 | Error parameter status.[Approved, Rejected] |
6484 | Error format of conversion id. e.g. "201510_1033,201510_1034" |
6501 | Invalid Timezone |
6502 | Invalid Start Time (from) |
6503 | Invalid End Time (to) |
6504 | Invalid Time Period |
6505 | Invalid Page Number |
6506 | Invalid Offer Format, e.g. "1,3" |
6507 | Invalid Affiliate Manager ID or Advertiser Manager ID |
6508 | Invalid Page Size. (1-10000) |
6601 | Invalid Offer ID |
6602 | Invalid offer, or no access to offer |
6603 | Invalid Backup Offer ID |
6604 | Invalid Backup Offer, or no Access to Backup Offer or no Campaign of Backup Offer |
6605 | Invalid GEO Redirect Offer ID |
6606 | No Access to GEO Redirect Offer |
6607 | Offer GEO Targeting Disabled |
6608 | Too many offer IDs |
6609 | Too many countries |
6610 | Too many category IDs |
6700 | Fail to Create Event |
6701 | Fail to Update Event |
6702 | Invalid offer event id |
6703 | The Event Not Found |
6704 | No offer_id parameter |
6705 | The offer has no event |
6706 | The count of event is over the max |
6707 | No e_tkn parameter |
6708 | Invalid value of offer event token |
6709 | Duplicate offer event token |
6710 | No event_name parameter |
6711 | No Status Parameter |
6712 | Invalid Status Parameter |
6713 | No revenue_type parameter |
6714 | Invalid offer event revenue type |
6715 | No revenue parameter |
6716 | No revenue percent parameter |
6717 | Invalid value of offer event revenue |
6718 | Invalid value of offer event revenue percent |
6719 | No payout_type parameter |
6720 | Invalid offer event payout type |
6721 | No payout parameter |
6722 | No payout percent parameter |
6723 | Invalid value of offer event payout |
6724 | Invalid value of offer event payout percent |
6725 | Invalid value of offer event private flag - initial event cannot be private |
6726 | Invalid tracking method parameter |
6727 | Invalid value of offer event end point flag |
6728 | Invalid value of offer event need approval flag |
6729 | Invalid value of offer event can multiply conversion flag |
6730 | Invalid Pre event id for an initial event, it must be '-1' |
6731 | The pre_event_id can't be self |
6732 | The pre_event_id doesn’t exist |
6733 | The status of Initial Event must be active |
6734 | Initial Event can't set to private |
6735 | Initial Event can't set to end point |
6736 | Invalid event smart price rule |
6740 | Invalid offer event status |
6743 | Invalid offer event pre event |
6744 | Invalid offer event pre event |
6745 | Invalid offer event conversion point |
6746 | Invalid event list |
6747 | Invalid offer event description |
6801 | Invalid format of the offer application id |
6802 | Not exist the offer application |
6803 | Invalid action parameter.(approve, deny, block, unblock) |
6804 | The action isn\'t match with the offer application. |
6805 | Invalid offer application status.(Pending, Approved, Rejected, Blocked) |
6806 | The offer application processing failed. |
6807 | Invalid Hour |
6808 | Timestamp out of range |
6809 | Invalid format of the offer id. e.g. 1,2,3 |
6810 | The event must be public. |
6811 | Invalid Json Format, Please correct the json string |
6812 | Too many offers, More than Max Number offers are not allowed in one request |
6813 | Invalid special_payouts parameter. |
6814 | Please try later because last request is in processing. |
6815 | Failed to block affiliate. |
6816 | Failed to Save Data. |
6820 | Invalid {param_name} parameter. |
6821 | Invalid page |
6910 | Please enter a number between {min} and {max} for {param_name} |
6911 | Invalid limit |
6920 | No permission to generate campaigns via API, please generate them manually in your affiliate portal. |
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