1.1.1 Summary
Get Offer Report.1.1.2 Request
Request Method: GETParameters:
Parameter | Description | Type | Data Range |
key |
Network API Key; *Required |
string | |
Query Conditions | |||
from |
Query Period Start Date *Required If the format is YYYY/MM/DD, equal to YYYY/MM/DD 00. |
Date |
to |
Query Period End Date *Required If the format is YYYY/MM/DD, equal to YYYY/MM/DD 23. |
Date |
timezone |
Timezone *Required |
Int | -11 ~ 14 |
page |
Page Number *Required |
Int |
Positive integer greater than 0. (1000 records per page) |
manager | Advertiser Manager ID | Int | Multi-select, separated by commas |
advertiser | Advertiser ID | Int | Multi-select, separated by commas |
offer | Offer ID | Int | Multi-select, separated by commas |
country | Offer GEO Targeting Country | String |
Multi-select, separated by commas; exp. “CN, US” |
currency | Offer Currency | Int |
1~68 Multi-select, separated by commas |
category | Offer Category ID | Int | Multi-select, separated by commas |
traffic | Allowed Traffic Type ID | Int | Multi-select, separated by commas |
event_private | Whether Include the private event | Int |
0: Include Private Event(Default) 1: Exclude Private Event |
revenue | Exclude none conversion data item | Int |
0: Include 1: Exclude |
order | Order | String |
orderBy |
Order By Field Default: ck_offer_name |
String | |
Response Field Flag | |||
ck_status | Offer Status | Int |
0: No this field. 1: include this field. |
ck_advertiser | Advertiser Name | Int |
0: No this field. 1: include this field. |
ck_advertiser_id | Advertiser ID | Int |
0: No this field. 1: include this field. |
ck_manager | Advertiser Manager ID | Int |
0: No this field. 1: include this field. |
ck_category | Offer Category | Int |
0: No this field. 1: include this field. |
ck_country | Offer GEO Country | Int |
0: No this field. 1: include this field. |
ck_currency | Currency | Int |
0: No this field. 1: include this field. |
ck_format | Offer Price Model | Int |
0: No this field. 1: include this field. |
ck_gross | Gross Click Count | Int |
0: No this field. 1: include this field. |
ck_unique | Unique Click Count | Int |
0: No this field. 1: include this field. |
ck_conversion | Conversion Count | Int |
0: No this field. 1: include this field. |
ck_cost | Payout Summary | Int |
0: No this field. 1: include this field. |
ck_income | Revenue Summary | Int |
0: No this field. 1: include this field. |
ck_profit | ck_income - ck_cost | Int |
0: No this field. 1: include this field. |
ck_cr | CR | Int |
0: No this field. 1: include this field. |
ck_cpc | CPC | Int |
0: No this field. 1: include this field. |
ck_cpa | CPA | Int |
0: No this field. 1: include this field. |
ck_rpc | RPC | Int |
0: No this field. 1: include this field. |
ck_rpa | RPA | Int |
0: No this field. 1: include this field. |
ck_roi | ROI | Int |
0: No this field. 1: include this field. |
ck_year | Group Data by Year | Int |
0: No this field. 1: include this field. |
ck_month | Group Data by Month | Int |
0: No this field. 1: include this field. |
ck_week | Group Data by Week | Int |
0: No this field. 1: include this field. |
ck_day | Group Data by Day | Int |
0: No this field. 1: include this field. |
ck_hour | Group Data by Hour | Int |
0: No this field. 1: include this field. |
1.1.3 Response
Header:HTTP Status | Object | Description | Error Code |
200 | OK | 0 | |
400 | Parameter | Invalid Parameters | 65XX |
Content Format: JSON
Data Field | Type |
content | Array of Report Data Item in Current Page |
page | Current Page Number |
totalPages | Total Pages Count |
totalItems | Total Data Items Count |
1.1.4 Example
Sample Request URL:http://{your_network_domain}/api/v1/getOfferReport?key=603E3F0E3266& timezone=8&from=2015/01/01&to=2015/10/31&ck_gross=1&ck_conversion=1
Response sample:
{ "httpStatus": 200, "data": { "content": [ { "offer_id": 1, "ck_offer_id": 1, "ck_offer_name": "testOfferAPICreate", "ck_gross": 10, "ck_conversion": 3, "currency": "€ " }, { "offer_id": 4, "ck_offer_id": 4, "ck_offer_name": "test0ffer4", "ck_gross": 20, "ck_conversion": 2, "currency": "€ " }, { "offer_id": 3, "ck_offer_id": 3, "ck_offer_name": "test0ffer3", "ck_gross": 10, "ck_conversion": 1, "currency": "€ " }, { "offer_id": 17, "ck_offer_id": 17, "ck_offer_name": "offer-0228-17-%-test", "ck_gross": 20, "ck_conversion": 1, "currency": "€ " } ], "page": 1, "totalPages": 1, "totalItems": 4 }, "errorCode": 0, "message": "" } |
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